Given a vector of cluster labels, returns pairs of cross-cluster cells
n = 1000,
ls = NULL,
q = c(0.1, 0.9),
selMode = "proportional",
soft.min = 5
- clusters
A vector of cluster labels for each cell, or a list containing metacells and graph
- n
The number of cell pairs to obtain
- ls
Optional library sizes
- q
Library size quantiles between which to include cells (ignored if `ls` is NULL)
- selMode
How to decide the number of pairs of each kind to produce. Either 'proportional' (default, proportional to the abundance of the underlying clusters), 'uniform' or 'sqrt'.
- soft.min
Minimum number of pairs of a given type.
# create random labels
x <- sample(head(LETTERS), 100, replace=TRUE)
getCellPairs(x, n=6)
#> cell1 cell2 orig.clusters
#> 1 71 31 A+B
#> 2 76 51 A+C
#> 3 43 16 B+C
#> 4 78 90 A+D
#> 5 73 55 B+D
#> 6 33 90 C+D
#> 7 56 29 A+E
#> 8 43 81 B+E
#> 9 68 54 C+E
#> 10 93 6 D+E
#> 11 2 45 A+F
#> 12 87 47 B+F
#> 13 69 45 C+F
#> 14 20 74 D+F
#> 15 72 100 E+F